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Thursday, September 25, 2008

I know...I know....

When I started this blog I said I wasn't going to talk about illness or politics but here I go again.
As some of you know I've been having digestive problems for the past year and a half and lost 75 lb's . Yeah five more since I last reported. Dr's been doing all kinds of tests and found nothing until Tue when I had a endoscopy and Yes ! They found the problem! I know it sounds crazy being happy I have a problem but at least I know whats wrong. They found Adult Pyloric Stenosis. Dr. used a balloon thingy to stretch it open. Hopefully this will work or I'll have to have surgery.Not a happy prospect but at least I know what the problem is.


Paula said...

Sounds yucky! But, a diagnosis means treatment can begin. Glad they found the problem!

sophie said...

I'm so glad the medical experts figured it out . . . I do know the joy of finally knowing what's wrong, even if it doesn't lead to an immediate cure. Take care. I hope the procedure does the trick and no surgery is required.