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Sunday, June 2, 2013

Cool Windy Day

It's Cold and windy hete today , 41temp tonight?.. It may be fall before we have a spring. But I do love living in WI never felt at home in Ohio. Closer to Home I guess.
   I finished planting our little veggie garden. Well it's actually it's a flower garden with two tomato plants and two pepper plants . But hey their veggies right?
  Youngest grandson graduated today congrats Will.  Seven more years and the greatgrand children will start.
       Memorial day got me to thinking about the friends and family gone out of our lives. Not just the ones that passed but the ones who choose to drop out of our lives. I reasantly found  out my estranged older brother in CA died two years ago and his wife or son hadn't even notified us. My one son that I hardly speak with , my niece who has dropped out of site with her controling husband for five years now. My nephew who chooses not to visit his mother. which is worse ? No doubt those who choose for selfish reasons. I think someday when  their families are gone they will be very sorry and resent they people who influenced this behavior.