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Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Thirty Days

has, Sept, April ,June and Nov....
Never mind that ,this post is not about days in a month or rhymes. It's about New Years resolutions. A few years ago my sis and I decided a resolution that was for 365 days was a big commitment ( more than we could handle) so we decided to try 30 day resolutions.
This month's resolutions
# 1 -Tell at least one family member each day something you appreciate they did or do . Trust me some days it can be a real challenge.
#2-Do something each week that we've been procrastinating about.
This week I'm making curtain's for the family room. I've had the fabric for about a year. So I think it's time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like this. I did goals instead of resolutions, but this I like. I just might do this.