On her blog Christine Kane declared a Resolution Revolution .
Rather than making resolutions ,like losing weight, exercising, etc, etc, that you've forgotten or given up on by March. She suggests you pick just a resolution "word" to improve your self.
I've chosen my word , well... I actually have two words . Sis and I decided to do two .She picked one and I picked one. Mine is APPRECIATE .Rather than think how someone or something can be improved I'm going to "TRY" to enjoy /appreciate the good in everyone and everything. Sis's word is FOCUS . We're both Type A's always thinking about whats next. We're going to" TRY" to live in the moment more.
What's your word?
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Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
More Chistmas Pictures

(the dog) .
Will , Susie (the dog),Nick ,and Jack(the dog)" conversating".(that's not a real word is it?)
Nick and Jack crashed,tired out from the Christmas festivities
And finally one of Milisa in her new adorable coat. She looked so cute in it . It was the first Christmas picture I took.

Friday, December 26, 2008
2009 The Year of UFO's!

#1 Lucas's airplane quilt.
#2Thirties Irish chain.
#3 Red white&blue birthday block quilt.
#4 Jake's soccer ball quilt.
#5 Nicks brite squares quilt.
#6 The row house quilt.
I have three more I "will"work on if I get these finished. Now to get busy on them.

Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas!

We had a great Christmas Eve all the kids (that live in town) came over. We had our traditional Taco's, refried beans,and guacamole, Cheese, Summer Sausage, Crackers, Candy and Cookies. We opened gifts, played charades and had a great time.

Here's some family pics of the

First picture, Cheri ,Will and Kristi, #2 Cheri holding up her quilt, #3 Jenna, Milisa, and the back of Cheri, Kristi and Will's heads #4 Mick and Kath and last one of the tree. The tree is called a

Hope you had a Merry Christmas too.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Let it Snow!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
The Lucky Duck

Brent sent me an email telling me on his way back from Iraq he was stranded in Seville Spain for a few days . What a lucky duck. Of all the places we lived our twenty years in the USAF Seville was my favorite. We spent two years there in the late sixties. The little brat sent me this picture of him touring Italica some Roman ruins near Seville. Just to flaunt his good luck. Hope someday to visit again myself. Click on photo for larger image.
Monday, December 15, 2008
#4 Challenge
I saw this on another blog and though I wasn't tagged I thought it
would be fun.
It's called the #4 Challenge. Here's the Rules.
* Go to the fourth photo file in your Computer
*Choose the fourth picture in the file.
* Post and explain the picture.
* Tag four people to do the same.
Here's mine. Strangely it was a Christmas picture from two years ago. The quilt I gave Christi for Christmas two years ago . Christi holding it up and Milisa looking at it and Jena on the sofa . Click on for a larger image.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
The Coolest Thing!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Time out

Last week my teeth on the lower right side started hurting off and on. Monday the pain was getting worse so off to the dentist. I wasn't sure which tooth was bad the whole area hurt ,well with Xrays, taping, applying air and cold he decided it was a lower canine . He

Plus my camera's battery died so no new pictures . But here's some more from T

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
More Thanksgiving Pictures

Ty finished the bathrooms while he was here. Pictures later, the plumbers are here today hooking up the water and ice in the new fridge and putting new long over due facets in the bathrooms. (and no neither of them is named Joe LOL ) we live in Toledo just in case you didn't get the joke.
Here's some more Thanksgiving pictures. Our son Allen ,he recently retired from the USAF the grandchildren called him The Zohan with his new Doo.

Nick piled out of bed to grate cheese, Him and Paula requested Mac and cheese with the dinner so DDIL agreed if someone would grate the cheese. Nick volunteered.
Our oldest son TY (aka Grisly Adams )painting the small bathroom. I let him have his artistic head since the bathroom is in the basement. He painted it a mint green(my idea) and the

Then Grandson Tyler our soon to be Marine work

Monday, December 1, 2008
My Angels and some old lady.

For the first time in years most of our children were here for Thanksgiving. Missing was Ian and Jenny starting new jobs in NE. Brent in Iraq and sweet William was hunting in upper MI. But here's some of the rest of the gang. Some of my girls, Milisa, Christi, and Paula, Some of the boys watching of course Football Nick, Allen, Damian and Tyler. My sweet DDIL Kay who cooked the dinner and of course the bird.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
The Hairdresser Saga
Judy posted a rant about her hairdresser which we can all relate too. I too had a hairdresser drama this week. Well maybe drama is a bit strong ... more like a moment. Several years ago I used to go to a lady named Juli who owned her own shop in small town a nearby. Well she got a divorce,lost her shop and disappeared for five years. Then this summer I ran into her at hospital. She told me she was working in a shop near my house. As some of you know I was having health problems this year, so a couple months ago having a good day and desperately needing a cut I thought I'd drop in since she told me the shop took walk -ins. She wasn't there but a young girl named Lulu cut my hair and did a great job. I loved the cut which happens to me about once in a decade. Now I have a problem. How do I let Lulu cut my hair without hurting Juli's feelings? Lulu told me the Juli doesn't come in until 10.30AM so I made yesterdays appointment for 9 AM. But couldn't help thinking Juli would come in early and catch me. Honesty is this stupid or what? This is just business why do I feel so guilty? But I have to say once again I was very pleased with the cut so I'll have keep sneaking in to see Lulu. LOL
Sunday, November 16, 2008
New Frige,New Snow, New Pattern.

We got our first snow yesterday. It didn't stay long but was coming down pretty hard for awhile. Always get excited when I see the first big flakes of the year.
And back to the drawing board with the airplane quilt. Found a new pattern the one on the right . It was easier and I like the look a lot better than the old one. So since I have most of the 'TO DO LIST" accomplished I'll start over with this new pattern tomorrow. The thirty some blocks I made with old pattern I'll give to a charity quilt organization.

Friday, November 14, 2008
Friday Flashback

Remember when you were in your thirties and forties and caught your self thinking or sounding like your mom? Well girls it gets worse . When you get into your fifties and sixties you began to think your mother-law could have been right once in a while. I know scary huh?
Back in the seventies and eighties when wall paper was very popular and I was wall papering everything that didn't move my DMIL told me she would NEVER wallpaper after scraping layers of wall paper and paint off ever wall in a house she bought. I thought "oh please it's not that hard" and loving the wallpaper so much I didn't really mind. No problem.
Well..... I'm 65 now and for the last year have been scraping wall paper off nearly every room in this house. And I HATE IT and you know I'm thinking....... NEVER AGAIN!!!! LOL
So here's some pictures of the dreaded job in the bath room. I think we'll paint(well I know we'll paint it) when I get done a light cocoa color. The other pictures are to show sis how we painted the entryway and of course two dogs because she loves to see pictures of them and complains I don't have them on here enough . Hee ,hee, hee.
Click on photos for larger image.
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