Cuties- When my niece and nephew filled out the application to adopt a child one of the questions was would you accept twins .They said "sure" not really thinking there was much of a chance of getting two. Guess what ? Two years ago they brought home this adorable pair.Cecilia and Patrick. Are they too cute or what?
They are adorable. My husbands sister and her husband adopted a baby from China, she just turned two this past October.
So cute! I love the monkey see, monkey do shirts, too.
Adorable ....
Hi Aunt Sheri! So you've joined the blogging world, huh? I'll have to bookmark you and check in often! Thanks for the sweet comments about our babies... we obviously think they are the cutest things ever :) and we remind ourselves daily how blessed we are to be their parents!
Such precious children and they look so happy. What a blessing for them.
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