Some of the ladies on the quilt forum show off some of their quilts every year around the first of June by posting pictures of airing of the quilts. I've never participated (busy time of year) but here some I made a couple years ago. And my poor flower bed. Last year was sick off and on and it never weeded it so this year it's a long over due. But I'm getting there, about half done now.
More pic's of the living room paint and redone floors for family and friends that have been asking about it. And a picture of my DDIL Cheri. Don't know how that got on the camera. Oldest son Ty was here from KC last week fishing in lake Erie for walleye and all the kids were over for dinner Brent must have snapped it then . Anyway I'm sure she will love seeing it on here, hee hee hee.
Well here it is our new hardwood floors and new paint! I just love it! Even DH who likes to play the devils advocate and fought me tooth and nail over carpet vs wood floors said it looks it looks really nice. The carpets are from Turkey thanks to our son Brent. The hairy guy in the last pic is our sweet shaggy dog Zack a sheltyterrier mix. Click on the pic's to enlarge.
Trying to pick paint colors for living room.Now that the hardwood floors are done we're ready to paint. It's definitely going to be blue but not sure which shade. I'm leaning toward a very pale blue. Which one do ya all like? Click on the picture to enlarge.